-- card: 4434 from stack: in.03 -- bmap block id: 6142 -- flags: 0000 -- background id: 3611 -- name: Lateral files 2 -- part 4 (field) -- low flags: 81 -- high flags: 2004 -- rect: left=130 top=115 right=214 bottom=395 -- title width / last selected line: 0 -- icon id / first selected line: 0 / 0 -- text alignment: 0 -- font id: 2 -- text size: 14 -- style flags: 0 -- line height: 18 -- part name: ----- HyperTalk script ----- on mouseUp set visible of Card Field 1 to not the visible of Card Field 1 end mouseUp -- part 5 (field) -- low flags: 00 -- high flags: 4007 -- rect: left=33 top=60 right=230 bottom=484 -- title width / last selected line: 0 -- icon id / first selected line: 0 / 0 -- text alignment: 0 -- font id: 3 -- text size: 9 -- style flags: 0 -- line height: 12 -- part name: -- part 12 (field) -- low flags: 00 -- high flags: 0001 -- rect: left=33 top=270 right=285 bottom=162 -- title width / last selected line: 0 -- icon id / first selected line: 0 / 0 -- text alignment: 0 -- font id: 0 -- text size: 12 -- style flags: 0 -- line height: 16 -- part name: BBS name -- part 13 (field) -- low flags: 00 -- high flags: 0001 -- rect: left=295 top=270 right=286 bottom=416 -- title width / last selected line: 0 -- icon id / first selected line: 0 / 0 -- text alignment: 0 -- font id: 0 -- text size: 12 -- style flags: 0 -- line height: 16 -- part name: the phone number -- part 14 (field) -- low flags: 00 -- high flags: 0001 -- rect: left=164 top=270 right=285 bottom=293 -- title width / last selected line: 0 -- icon id / first selected line: 0 / 0 -- text alignment: 0 -- font id: 0 -- text size: 12 -- style flags: 0 -- line height: 16 -- part name: City -- part 20 (field) -- low flags: 00 -- high flags: 0001 -- rect: left=418 top=270 right=286 bottom=490 -- title width / last selected line: 0 -- icon id / first selected line: 0 / 0 -- text alignment: 0 -- font id: 0 -- text size: 12 -- style flags: 0 -- line height: 16 -- part name: the phone number -- part contents for card part 4 ----- text ----- Make buttons out of the tabs to link you to your own information or have it appear in this space. -- part contents for card part 5 ----- text ----- 7104 MACUSER INDEX 2 X APPLESAC-INC 871115 127260 14 15 Desc: Indexes MacUser magazine for 1987. 7100 PARSIFAL.PIT X JMANDERSON 871115 172620 14 15 Desc: Wagner's opera Parsifal illustrated 7099 ANIMATION GUIDE.SIT X KAYFIVE 871115 44100 13 1 Desc: Superpaint film animation template 7097 BASEBALL STACK.SIT X R.CORNIA 871115 30240 6 9 Desc: HYPERCARD BASEBASSLL STATS 7096 PROBLEM SOLVING.PIT X A.VANGUNDY 871115 30240 25 13 Desc: Creative problem solving withy MORE 7095 SPY STACK.SIT X MACMANIAX 871115 263340 19 15 Desc: Very interactive adventure stack 7094 POWERSTATION PATCHES X MACGICIAN 871115 3780 36 11 Desc: Fix Powerstation for MultiFinder use 7093 JULIA SETA 5.0B5 MAC II X RAYSANDERS 871115 3780 29 3 Desc: julia set fractals for mac II 5.0b5 7092 BBSTA1.SIT X R.CORNIA 871115 23940 3 9 Desc: baseball stats excel format 7091 DATABASEHC.SIT X HAFERMAN 871115 25200 8 15 Desc: My first stack ... a database. 7087 CSS14.SIT X MWEASNER 871114 46620 44 7 Desc: Monitor Online Charges 7085 SMOKERS.PIT X J.W.WALKER 871114 21420 75 11 Desc: Non-Smokers, REBEL! this is R-rated 7084 FILE EXCHANGE APP.SIT X FBARTON 871114 209160 312 16 Desc: Apple's File Exchange Application 7083 DISK FIRST AID.SIT X FBARTON 871114 32760 325 16 Desc: Disk First Aid, Ver. 1.3 7082 HD UTILITIES.SIT X FBARTON 871114 40320 219 16 Desc: Apple's HD Utilities 7081 ELEMENTS STACK X J.W.WALKER 871114 79380 74 15 Desc: Periodic chart of the elements. 7080 SFX STACK 7.SIT X RAKMAN 871114 152460 62 15 Desc: 22 high tech & percussion HC sounds 7079 LASER PRINT DRIVERS.SIT X FBARTON 871114 100800 262 16 Desc: LaserWriter Print Drivers 7078 IW PRINTER DRIVERS.SIT X FBARTON 871114 59220 429 16 Desc: ImageWriter Print Drivers 7077 INSTALLER/SCRIPTS.SIT X FBARTON 871114 32760 391 16 Desc: Installer & Scripts for System 4.2 7076 TYPEWRITER.SIT X BATALAST 871114 20160 113 6 Desc: Mac sounds like TypeWriter INIT 7075 FONTS.SIT X FBARTON 871114 154980 307 16 Desc: Included Fonts File 7074 FONT/DA MOVER/DAS.SIT X FBARTON 871114 71820 484 16 Desc: Font/DA Mover and included Fonts 7073 MAC II CONTROL PANEL.SIT X FBARTON 871114 17640 151 16 Desc: Mac II Control Panel Files 7071 CONTROL PANEL FILES.SIT X FBARTON 871114 32760 495 16 Desc: Standard Control Panel Files 7070 MA MUG ADVERTISEMENT X M.VENTURA 871114 1260 9 7 Desc: A new user group/BBS using RR Host 7069 MULTIFINDERDAHANDLER.SIT X FBARTON 871114 51660 687 16 Desc: MultiFinder & DA Handler 7068 WARTIME X N.BLACK1 871114 280980 23 2 Desc: a great video uses ez3d 7067 FINDER 6.0.SIT X FBARTON 871114 83160 575 16 Desc: Apple's Finder 6.0 7066 SYSTEM 4.2.SIT X FBARTON 871114 250740 615 16 Desc: Apple's System 4.2 7065 TEACHTEXT.SIT X FBARTON 871114 25200 401 16 Desc: TeachText app & Read Me file 7064 SYSTEM RELEASE DOCS.SIT X FBARTON 871114 21420 760 16 Desc: Apple Release Notes/System 4.2, etc. 7063 GESTART.SIT X G.KEVERIAN 871114 104580 20 2 Desc: GE StartUpScreen/Sound 7062 MYSTERY BOX 1.0.SIT X ANDRESEND 871114 27720 59 3 Desc: A find-the-ball fun little game 7061 WORLD CHESS PT 1.SIT X B.JACOBS 871114 6300 24 3 Desc: Sargon III files of games 1-12 7060 PAYROLL STACK X STRANGE 871113 119700 40 15 Desc: Do your own Payroll Taxes! 7059 CLOTEX.SIT X J.L.MAY 871113 11340 38 3 Desc: Excel Cal. Lottery Analysis Data 7058 CLOTSP.SIT X J.L.MAY 871113 12600 17 3 Desc: MacSpin Cal. Lottery Analysis Data 7057 IDEALINER 2.5 DEMO X CLIFF 871113 126000 13 4 Desc: A Stand-Alone Text Outliner 7056 VILLAGE1.03.PIT X W.CAMERON 871113 262080 18 3 Desc: Bug-fix of "Village1.0"-WB Fantasy 7055 UPTOWNFONT X PLUMBBOB 871113 1260 16 4 Desc: Tall, modern sans serif font 7054 FLEXCHEX.PIT X D.ZGEISZ 871113 20160 28 8 Desc: Reflex "standalone" checking program 7053 SFX STACK 6 X RAKMAN 871113 220500 50 15 Desc: 12 more sound effects for HyperCard 7052 SFX STACK 5 X RAKMAN 871113 280980 49 15 Desc: Stack with 17 more sound effects. 7051 SNAP.SIT X M.D.SCOTT 871113 65520 27 2 Desc: SNAPANIMATION --The best clips 7050 RADICALCASTEL.PIT X F.BRILLON 871113 327600 4 3 Desc: This a aventure game. 7049 SCREENLOCK24.SIT X W.KORMAN 871113 18900 54 15 Desc: ScreenLock 2.4;better interface. 7048 DOCUMENT STACK.SIT X RDCHAPMAN 871113 15120 105 15 Desc: Documents Stacks and Global XREF 7047 SORT & FIND XFCNS.SIT X RDCHAPMAN 871113 12600 110 15 Desc: Sort and Find External Functions 7046 MFMENU1.1.SIT X F.D.REED 871113 10080 208 5 Desc: Adds MultiFinder Menu to the MF icon 7045 AIRSTRIKE X N.BLACK1 871113 313740 74 3 Desc: A VIDEOWOKES VIDEO 7043 AFTERTHOUGHT 1.2 DEMO X CLIFF 871113 40320 31 5 Desc: Desk Accessory Programming Editor 7042 SIGMAEDIT.SIT X MACGICIAN 871113 32760 373 5 Desc: The ULTIMATE Text Editing DA... 7040 POLITICS.PIT X CAMPAIGN 871112 95760 19 15 Desc: VOTER/ENROLLMENT POLITICAL STACKS 7039 STACKBUILDERSHELLV4.1 X K.IWATATE 871112 50400 48 15 Desc: Graphics card feature..help removed 7037 FARCEFILM 40.FILM X ARTS.FARCES 871112 51660 62 11 Desc: "Adventures in Systeming" 7034 STACK BUILDER V4.1 >SIT X K.IWATATE 871112 91980 82 15 Desc: Graphics card added..if you need it 7032 MACBIBLIOGRAPHY 2.1.SIT X R.LITMAN 871112 41580 17 11 Desc: MacBib 2.1, MacW 4.5-6, >250 books 7031 MACBIBLIOGRAPHY 2.1 SIT X R.LITMAN 871112 46620 69 15 Desc: Mac Bibliography, now in HC form! 7030 KUNG FU.SIT X DJAMES 871112 149940 16 3 Desc: Its part 2!!!! 7029 HYPERBASE20.SIT X H.LOWE1 871112 31500 135 15 Desc: Version 2.0 of HyperBase. Use Stufit 7027 EARTH PLOT SET B X PIETTENET 871112 73080 24 1 Desc: Earth plots from 160,000 miles 7026 EARTH PLOT SET A X PIETTENET 871112 93240 17 1 Desc: Earth plots from 160,000 miles 7025 EARTH PLOT SAMPLE X PIETTENET 871112 12600 56 1 Desc: Sample plot of Earth Plot sets A&B 7024 MACSTARTUP V0.70.SIT X THE.MACE 871112 78120 76 6 Desc: Displays Startup & System Info 7023 F1F4V1.3.PIT X D.HIRSH2 871112 5040 115 6 Desc: Use F1..F4 keys on Apple extd kbd 7022 NFLPICK.PAS.SIT X JPWIND 871111 6300 51 12 Desc: turbo pascal source code 7020 LOTTO.PIT X T.BOYLE 871112 21420 80 6 Desc: Lotto Analysis Program 7018 HYPRLIST.SIT X J.PAUL 871111 16380 215 15 Desc: Scrolling Lists for HyperCard! 7017 TN176.SIT X FBARTON 871111 69300 150 16 Desc: Apple Tech Note/Mac Memory Install. 7016 TUNEINDEX.PIT X JCASAZZA 871111 37800 36 15 Desc: Tune filing stack. 7015 INFOMAKER V1.1 - SIT X MSWALL 871111 63000 90 6 Desc: Get mainframe databases onto the Mac 7014 ERRATA FOR EMP SELECTION 7 IKANODE 871110 2520 11 15 Desc: Bug fix for file 6573 7011 PEEWEE.SCREEN X JFLOYD 871110 36540 76 1 Desc: MAC II Color StartUpScreen 7010 MACINTALK.SIT X CJMELLIES 871110 23940 231 16 Desc: Macintalk which works on the Mac II 7009 WORK IS HELL STARTUP X PIETTENET 871110 8820 183 1 Desc: Work is Hell startup screen 7008 FIELD EFFECTS.STK X JORDANT 871110 16380 218 15 Desc: Hyperobject Effects from browse 7007 EXTRASPECIAL.SIT X R.M.MOON 871109 39060 201 2 Desc: A Soundwave of the Church Lady 7006 MILITARY CLIP ART7.SIT X CTANDERSON 871110 12600 94 1 Desc: Military Clip Art--Soviet Symbology 7005 MILITARY CLIP ART6.SIT X CTANDERSON 871109 46620 71 1 Desc: Military Clip Art--Soviet Equipment 7004 WAS IT...SATAN?.SIT X R.M.MOON 871109 50400 171 2 Desc: The Church Lady speaks SoundWave 7003 MANDELBROT ANIMATOR X HARRY.G 871110 16380 93 3 Desc: Mandelbrot Microscope Animator 7002 MILITARY CLIP ART5.SIT X CTANDERSON 871109 46620 73 1 Desc: Military Clip Art--US Map Symbols 7001 MILITARY CLIP ART4.SIT X CTANDERSON 871109 69300 80 1 Desc: Military Clip Art--Helicopters 7000 MILITARY CLIP ART3.SIT X CTANDERSON 871109 37800 64 1 Desc: Military Clip Art--Arty/Helicopters 6999 MILITARY CLIP ART2.SIT X CTANDERSON 871109 44100 48 1 Desc: Military Clip Art--Soldier Scenes 6998 MILITARY CLIP ART1.SIT X CTANDERSON 871109 44100 66 1 Desc: Military Clip Art- Tanks/APC's 6996 STARCRUISER.SIT X CTANDERSON 871109 25200 17 3 Desc: Breach scenerios. 6995 RESOURCE LIBRARIAN X M.BYRNE 871109 26460 195 15 Desc: Manage your HC Resources! 6994 CHRISTMAS CLIPS.SIT X LBE 871109 71820 216 1 Desc: Very Nice Holiday Clip Art MacPaint 6993 TRAINSET 1.SIT X KAYFIVE 871109 31500 72 1 Desc: SuperPaint railroad graphics 6992 CHOOSECDEV.SIT X CESOFTWARE 871109 17640 135 5 Desc: Control Panel utility to order cdevs 6991 TODONE.SIT VERSION 2.1 X DRAGONZ 871109 35280 197 15 Desc: Finally: a USEFUL "todo" stack! -- part contents for card part 12 ----- text ----- GEnieā„¢ New DLs -- part contents for card part 13 ----- text ----- Local Access -- part contents for card part 14 ----- text ----- Rockville, MD -- part contents for card part 20 ----- text ----- 11/17/87